Who We Are

We are a church that follows Jesus Christ and share His love to everyone around us. We are thrilled by what God has done in our lives through Jesus. The world should be given an opportunity to hear about Him and receive this wonderful gift of salvation through Jesus so that everyone gets to out live this authentic and empowered life that He gives.



What We Value





As a church we love God and love people based on two commandments emphasised by our Lord Jesus Christ in the scriptures. Mark 12:30-31


Following Jesus Christ

We follow Jesus and endeavour to outlive with passion the life that Jesus gives 1 Cor 11:1


Faith in God

We believe church is a community where our Faith in God is exercised and encouraged. Our faith must never be placed in our efforts or anything other than God Mark 11:22


Family and friendship

As a church we thrive on family and friendship. We believe, a healthy and loving family creates a healthy church. 1 John 4:20



We value people because they matter to God. Luke 4:18


Communion with God

We value communication with our Father through the word, prayer and worship. Matt 6:9



We value excellence and believe that quality belongs to the church

1 Corinthians 14:40, Psalm 16:3 3



We believe God has placed uniqueness in each person and together we bring the God kind colours to reflect His glory Psalm 139:14